  • Smartproxy >
  • Scrapers >
  • Social Media Scraping API

Social Media Scraper

Gather structured social media data at any scale without worrying about proxies or blocks.

Results in HTML or JSON
100% success rate
Synchronous or asynchronous requests
Easy integration
Try it out
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14-day money-back option
All-In-One Solution for Scraping Social Media

Zapier integration is here - automate your workflows easily.

Test drive our Social Media Scraping API

Get a taste of what our social media scraper is capable of right here and now.

API Playground Demo

TikTok post
TikTok post
Reddit post
USUnited States
UKUnited Kingdom
Additional configurable parameters



1curl --request 'POST',
2 --url: '',
3 -H: 'Content-Type: application/json',
4 -d: '
5 {
6 "url": "",
7 "target": "tiktok_post",
8 "geo": "United States",
9 "locale": "en",
10 }
11 '

Want the unlimited API experience? Activate your 7-day free trial now!

Social Media Scraping API use cases

Snoop on the competition, stay ahead of the trend game, and master marketing campaigns with the power of our Social Media Scraping API. Get a sneak peek into the latest and greatest from social media platforms.

Track engagement rates

Track engagement rates

Find influencers who exceed expectations. With our API, you can track views, likes, and comments.

Follow account growth

Follow account growth

Growth hacking just got easier! Keep tabs on your competitors and monitor followers on multiple accounts.

Discover trending content

Discover trending content

Know what's hot before it's not by scraping hashtags. It’s your key to staying on top of the latest trends.

Real-time & callback requests

Want the data now or prefer things a little more planned out? No problem. Pick real-time or on-demand data updates with our synchronous or asynchronous requests.


Peek under the hood of Social Media Scraping API

Flexible output options

Flexible output options

Choose between raw HTML or parsed JSON results to fit your needs.

Guaranteed 100% success

Guaranteed 100% success

Enjoy cost-effective results with our API – we charge only for success.

Real-time or on demand results 

Real-time or on demand results 

Choose between synchronous or asynchronous requests for your targets.

Easy integration

Easy integration

Set up with code examples on GitHub, Postman collections and our quick start guide.

Advanced anti-bot protection

Advanced anti-bot protection

Integrates browser fingerprints for seamless data collection.

Proxy integration

Proxy integration

Built-in 65M+ proxies ensure you’ll avoid blocks and CAPTCHAs while collecting data.

API Playground

API Playground

Try before you buy – test drive our API with our interactive API Playground.

Free trial option 

7-day free trial

Get started with 1K requests for 7 days with our risk-free trial.

From engineers to engineers

GitHub: your code resource

Postman collections: effortless API testing

Build and test requests with ease using our Postman collections. They include request examples for each Smartproxy API.

Quick start guide

Quick start guide

Get off on the right foot with Smartproxy’s scraping solutions. All the essentials, all in one place.

Social Media Scraping API plans


1K requests

$0/1K req


Free 7-day trial

14-day money-back

25K requests

$2/1K req


$50 + VAT billed monthly

14-day money-back


62.5K requests

Save 20%


$1.6/1K req

Total: $125

$100 + VAT billed monthly

14-day money-back

200K requests

Save 30%


$1.4/1K req

Total: $400

$280 + VAT billed monthly

14-day money-back

400K requests

Save 40%


$1.2/1K req

Total: $800

$480 + VAT billed monthly

14-day money-back

Get custom subscription


Chat with us and we’ll find the best match based on your targets

14-day money-back

With each plan you access


Results in HTML or JSON


100% success rate


Synchronous or asynchronous requests


Real-time or on-demand data collection


Easy integration


Browser fingerprints

SSL Secure Payment

Your information is protected by 256-bit SSL


7-day free trial with 1K requests

Frequently Asked Questions

What use cases does Social Media Scraping API work for?

Whether you're looking to track engagement rates, monitor account growth, or stay on top of trending content, our API has got you covered. While scraping such data points as views, likes, and comments, you can get reliable and on-demand data for social media insights. Oh, and the best part – you don't need to bother about manual data collection!

What targets can I scrape with Social Media Scraping API?

With our Social Media Scraping API, you can scrape the latest data. We designed this tool for you to gather the major data points like profiles, usernames, posts, and hashtags from all major platforms.

What is social media scraping?

Social media scraping is a process of extracting public data from social media platforms. Social media scraping is handy when researching, analyzing trends or audiences, or tracking brand mentions.

How long does Social Media Scraper API take to deliver results?

The delivery time for results from Social Media Scraper API can vary depending on the size and complexity of the data being scraped. Most times, you’ll get ready-to-digest data scraped by Social Media Scraper API in less than 60 seconds (that’s fast!).

All-In-One Solution for Scraping Social Media

Gather structured social media data at any scale without worrying about proxies or blocks.

14-day money-back option

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