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Proxies for Web Scraping

Forget getting blocked with the fastest SEO proxy service on the market. Unlock valuable public data in any location: use country and city level targeting with #1 in IP quality residential proxies. Take data scraping to the next level!

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14-day money-back option
Surf the Web and Complete All Your Tasks with High Quality Proxies

Time-saving solution for every use case


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Scraping proxies

Scraping proxies

Faster data intelligence with unlimited residential proxies

Collect data for research and scale your business with unlimited connections and threads for your favorite script or application.

Residential proxies are the highest quality proxies for any data mining operation. Every IP in our pool is a unique mobile or desktop device, so you can connect to your target data source as many times as you need.

Get data for SEO with proxies

Get data for SEO with proxies

Our residential proxy network is nearly twice as fast as the SEO proxy industry average,according to Proxyway research 2023. Need to connect many times to Google, Yandex or other search engines? Don’t sweat, perform rank tracking, crawling and competitor analysis with our proxies at ease.

Take market research to the next level with residential IPs

Take market research to the next level with residential IPs

If you are pushing too many requests in a short time frame from a single IP address, your target website can easily trace and block you or provide misleading information.

To limit the chances of getting blocked or cloaked you should avoid scraping the same website with a single IP address and use the Smartproxy network to scale your operations. All plans include proxy rotation.

How to start using residential proxies

How to start using residential proxies

Start using residential proxies by buying a monthly subscription or get GBs on the go with Pay As You Go. With any payment option, you’ll be able to reach the whole residential proxy pool of 55M+ IPs!

Experience efficiency at its best


Perform ad verification with proxies

Stay undetected and perform anti-ad fraud through the highest quality residential IP network. Stay undetected by bad actors and act fast – our proxies have an average response time of <0.5s.


Get price, sales and product information with proxies

Price, product, and sales data scraping will never be cloaked for our proxy network. Our residential proxies don't share any subnet, which is ideal for web scraping.


Track travel prices with proxies

Connect to travel sites, rail and airline companies with unlimited connections and track travel pricing data in real time. Our network has a 99.99% uptime.


Collect any data with proxies

To limit the chances of getting blocked or cloaked you should avoid scraping the same website with a single IP address and use the Smartproxy network to scale your operations. All plans include proxy rotation.

Fastest residential proxies – now for less

Pick a plan that suits you. Get ahead with unblockable and stable proxies.


No commitment




2 GB

Save 14%



Total: $14

$12 +VAT billed monthly

8 GB

Save 21%



Total: $56

$44 +VAT billed monthly


25 GB

Save 26%



Total: $175

$130 +VAT billed monthly

50 GB

Save 30%



Total: $350

$245 +VAT billed monthly

With each plan you access


55M+ ethically-sourced IPs


HTTP(S) & SOCKS5 support


<0.5s average response time


99.68% success rate


Unlimited concurrent sessions


Country, city & ZIP code targeting


Rotating and sticky sessions


#1 IP quality in the market


24/7 tech support

100 GB

Save 36%



Total: $700

$450 +VAT billed monthly

SSL Secure Payment

Your information is protected by 256-bit SSL

What people are saying about us

We're thrilled to have the support of our 50K+ clients and the industry's best

Industry experts

Featured in:

Yahoo news

The Fastest Residential Proxies

Dive into a 55M+ ethically-sourced residential IP pool from 195+ locations worldwide. Now from $2.2/GB*!

14-day money-back option

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