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Malaysia Proxies 

Access local content with 65M+ residential and mobile devices’ IP pool from all over Malaysia. Forget CAPTCHAs, IP bans, and restrictions.

65M+ residential and mobile IPs
99.99% uptime
Advanced rotation
99.68% success rate
14-day money-back option
Highest Level of Security with Premium Malaysia Proxies

Why Smartproxy?

Ethically-sourced IPs

Ethically-sourced IPs

We're all about transparency. We take extra care to ensure our proxies come from partners who have received the green light from every IP owner. So when you use our Malaysia proxies, you can kick back and relax.

Intuitive setup

Intuitive setup

Get all the key stats on your proxy usage, like traffic and top targets, and activate proxies straight in your dashboard. Or plug in a Chrome or Firefox extension to get things done even faster.

Advanced targeting

Advanced targeting

Choose endpoints from 195+ countries, including Malaysia. Unleash the full proxies' potential for various automation tasks, multiple eCommerce accounts management, and more.

24/7 support

24/7 support

Need some help with setting up Malaysia proxies? We’re one button away – our team is ready to guide you through your whole proxying journey via LiveChat.

Different Malaysia proxy types, same great performance

Proxy type


Best for:

- Ad verification & management

- Market intelligence

- SEO content compliance

- Multiple social media accounts management

- Ads management & automation

- App testing


- 195+ locations

- City-level targeting

- <0.5s response time

- 99.68% success rate

- Pay As You Go option

- 3G/4G/5G proxies

- 130+ locations

- OS filtering

- 700+ mobile carriers

- ASN and country-level targeting

Leave risks of free proxies behind

Bad free proxies connection

We just want to give you a friendly heads-up – it's a bit of a wild west out there! Some of those free proxies are downright dodgy, and some may even collect your personal data.

With our premium Malaysia proxies, you’ll be safe with an HTTPS connection, 99.99% uptime, and 65M+ residential n’ mobile devices’ IP addresses.

We've got a 14-day money-back option (terms apply), so you can give it a spin risk-free. How's that for a sweet deal?

How it works:

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What people are saying about us

We're thrilled to have the support of our 50K+ clients and the industry's best

Industry experts

Featured in:

Yahoo news

Not sure which plan to go for?

Let's chat, and we'll help you find the perfect fit.

Frequently asked questions about Malaysia proxies

What is a proxy?

Proxy creates an intermediate connection. When you connect to a proxy, your connection gets routed to its server, where another IP address masks your original one. This is helpful when connecting to a target from a different location or using automation tools. The website won't be able to identify your original IP address, and you’ll be able to run various tasks without CAPTCHAs and IP bans.

Plus, with a proxy, you can easily manage multiple social media or eCommerce accounts without any fuss. It's pretty cool, right?

What is a residential proxy?

Residential proxies are IP addresses from real devices like computers and smartphones connected to local Wi-Fi. Using a residential proxy is like borrowing someone's internet connection to browse the web without being in the same physical location.

From web scraping to ad verification and market intelligence, residential proxies are the go-to solution for users looking to level up their online game. Want to access geo-restricted content without any hassle? A residential proxy is the way to go. Need to run market research? Residential proxies from Malaysia will work wonders.

What is a mobile proxy?

A mobile proxy is an intermediate server that uses cellular data and assigns you an IP address from mobile devices. Mobile proxies are great for accessing geo-restricted content, managing multiple social media or eCommerce accounts, and running various automation tasks.

What are SSL/HTTPS proxies?

An SSL or HTTPS proxy uses the SSL security protocol to connect you and the target, protecting the data from third parties. When using SSL/HTTPS proxy, your connection is encrypted and secured, so you can browse the internet without worrying about hackers or other security threats.

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