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  • RESTful API


RESTful API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface) is a web service design pattern that uses HTTP methods to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on resources represented by URLs. RESTful APIs are stateless, meaning each request from a client to a server must contain all the information needed to understand and process the request. They are widely used for building scalable and interoperable web services.

Also known as: REST API, REST-based web service, HTTP API, RESTful web service, RESTful interface.


  • RESTful API vs. SOAP API: While RESTful APIs use simple HTTP methods and are stateless, SOAP APIs (Simple Object Access Protocol) use a more complex XML-based messaging protocol and often require maintaining state between requests.
  • RESTful API vs. GraphQL: RESTful APIs typically expose multiple endpoints for different resources, whereas GraphQL allows clients to query multiple resources in a single request with more flexibility in specifying the data structure.


  • Scalability: RESTful APIs are lightweight and stateless, making them ideal for building scalable web services.
  • Interoperability: Uses standard HTTP methods and status codes, which are widely understood and supported across different platforms and programming languages.
  • Flexibility: Allows clients to access and manipulate resources using standard methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), making it easy to develop and integrate with various systems.


  • Over-fetching/Under-fetching: RESTful APIs may force clients to retrieve more data than needed (over-fetching) or make multiple requests to get the desired data (under-fetching).
  • Lack of Built-in Security: RESTful APIs rely on external mechanisms for security, such as OAuth, SSL/TLS, and API keys, which can add complexity.
  • Loose Coupling: While generally a benefit, the loose coupling of RESTful services can make managing complex interactions between services more challenging.


A RESTful API for a social media platform might include endpoints like /users for retrieving user profiles, /posts for accessing or creating posts, and /comments for managing comments on posts. Developers can interact with these resources using standard HTTP methods, making it easy to build and scale the application across different devices and platforms.

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