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HTTP Response
HTTP Response
An HTTP response is a message sent by a server to a client in response to an HTTP request. It contains the status of the request and any requested content. The structure of an HTTP response includes:
- Status Line. Includes the HTTP version, a status code, and a status message. The status code is a three-digit number that indicates the outcome of the request, such as '200 OK' for success, '404 Not Found' for an invalid URL, and '500 Internal Server Error' for server issues.
- Headers. Provide metadata about the response, such as content type, content length, server information, and caching policies. Headers are key for controlling how the browser processes the received data.
- Body. Optional and may contain the requested data or resource, such as HTML documents, images, or files. The body is absent in responses to some types of requests, like HEAD.
HTTP responses are crucial for web communications, enabling servers to convey not only the results of client requests but also instructions on how to handle the data, manage caching, maintain connections, and ensure security. This mechanism underlies all data exchanges in web-based applications and services.